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More than 350 applicants in Amusnet
Internship Program Edition 2.0

The interest in the second edition of Amusnet Internship program was really huge – we had more than 350 applicants during the summer period. These numbers give us even greater confidence that what we do has a deep meaning regarding the development of the software industry here, in Bulgaria.

We focus on the development and retention of our employees and at the same time invest in growing people’s potential, but the secret behind the overall company success is that each person has their own motivation to perform at their best and strive forward.

Of all candidates, only a selected number (9%) joined the program.

Hristo, Krasimir, Vasil, Georgi, Pavel, Salih, Zahari, and Rosen are the interns from the first internship program that were offered a position with the company as junior developers.

More and more companies begin to mature and understand that their most knowledgeable, productive, and loyal employees are home-grown. Amusnet Interactive is one of the very few IT companies that dedicates significant time and resources to give a chance to talented engineers and nurture their development as professionals through our Internship programs.” – says Hristian Kostov, Head of Internship & Trainings.

The success of the program is based on our efforts to build practical skills and thinking because a large scale of education in the country is predominantly theoretical and does not offer an in-depth study of competencies like parallel programming and high efficiency of the developed applications and algorithms.

A big thank you to all of the colleagues who helped to facilitate the process, both technical and recruiters.

It is an honor to climb the IT value chain together!

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